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Sophie Duindam

Designer & Producer

Sophie was born and raised is Amsterdam, she speaks four languages and has seen much of the world in her 25 years. She started her career at Pepperminds, one of the top players in the European marketing industry, as a captain and sales coach. In her third year of study in Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, she successfully completed a marketing communication internship at Startupbootcamp, a pan-European startup accelerator for innovative startups from around the world. One of these startups, Shopper Concepts, snatched her up immediately after the internship was done. Sophie was always drawn to the visual arts; she perfected her design skills during her recent exchange semester in Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid. Her artistic touch can be seen in the beautiful styling and usability of this website. 

Alma Santo

 Content Manager & Editor

Alma was born in Israel in 1985, and has since lived in all five continents. She worked as an administrative and creative assistant in Zivlin Youth Communication, a crossmedia communication producer, and as a production coordinator at United Studios, the largest content & facilities company in the Israeli TV market. While living in New York, she took up Photography, which she has since practiced around the world, and assisted creatively in various short films projects. On her third year of study, Alma began crafting her writing abilities, eventually winning a prize for an essay she has written while on her exchange semester in Monash University in Melbourne. She further improved her journalistic and creative writing skills during an internship at Endemol International, a world leading creator, producer and distributor of multiplatform entertainment. Content is king, and Alma presents her part in this website as her offering. 

Roxanne Tom


Project Manager

Roxanne is a 25-year-old Dutch native, but if you hear her speaking Spanish you can easily believe she was born in Madrid rather than just spent an exchange semester there. Her previous work experience includes providing customer service for the energy company Oxxio Woonenergie and health insurance provider ONVZ. In the past few years she has been working at Versteegh, an international wholesaler of jewelry and fashion accessories, first as part of the logistics team and later as a buyer. As part of her education, she recently completed a marketing communication internship in the Disney Channel. Roxanne is a talented graphic designer and video editor, and has been designing websites on her free time. Being a creative herself, she understands the ins-and-outs of developing multimedia projects, and is therefore an expert in providing useful input and streamlining workflows. This project was fueled by her ability to motivate and inspire a supportive and open creative environment.



Creative Team